Google Translate

2009年8月2日 星期日

Caller ID Type

( 1 ) Type I :
Services Supported :
Calling Number Delivery.
Calling Name Delivery.
Visual Message Waiting Indicator.

( 2 ) Type II :
Services Supported :
Calling Number Delivery.
Calling Name Delivery.
Visual Message Delivery.
Calling Identity Delivery on Call Waiting.

( 3 ) Type III :
Services / Interfaces Supported :
Calling Number Delivery.
Calling Name Delivery.
Message Waiting Indication.
Calling Identity Delivery on Calling Waiting.
ADSI : both server Display control and Feature Download.
ADSI : base visual features such as :
- Visual Screening List Editing.
- Calling Waiting Deluxe.
- Visual access to information services such as directory ,
- home banking , etc.


