The test conditions in Group1 ~ 3 may be used for CAS recognition testing with no interfering signals present.
Each test shall be run 100 times. Zero (0) failures on 100 attempts for a given test shall be considered a pass condition for that test. If a failure occurs in the first 100 attempts, then that test shall be run 900 more times. If the number of failures does not exceed 1 out of 1000, then the pass condition shall be met for that test. Tests shall be run at a rate not exceeding 1 test attempt every 2 seconds.
Group1 lists the test conditions for all parameters at their nominal values.
Group2 lists the test conditions for each parameter at its extreme value, with other parameters at nominal.
Group3 list test conditions with multiple parameters at 90% of their extreme values.
Group4 contains a test for the minimum CAS amplitude for which the CPE shall not detect the CAS .
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