The following test matrix may be used to aid in pass and fail determination of the CPE’s FSK performance. Each test shall be run 10 times. Zero (0) failures on 10 attempts for a given test shall be considered a pass condition for that test. If a failure occurs in the first 10 attempts, then that test shall be run 90 more times. If the number of failures does not exceed 1 out of 100, then the pass condition shall be met for that test.
This test matrix consists of a series of specific test conditions and may be used to define the perimeter of the multidimensional signal space wherein the CPE shall operate when multiple impairments exist. This signal space is smaller than the space that would be defined using the extreme worst case values for each parameter. Although this matrix can be used for testing purposes, the CPE shall operate everywhere within the signal space enclosed by the perimeter defined in these test conditions.
The DC line conditions while performing this test shall be 40mA +/- 2mA
NOTE – For testing purposes, the source impedance of the signal generator shall be 900 ohms. FSK signal levels are measured with a 600-ohm termination in place of the CPE. The 600 ohm termination is replaced by the CPE before testing is performed.
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